Sunday, June 21, 2015

Day 2

Today  I woke  up feeling  great  and  light.  I decided that today  instead of cramming food  in,  I would just  eat when  I was hungry  and  stop  when  full. I started  my morning with  2 bananas  and  took a 10 minute break in between  each one.  I got a small headache  at noon.  I think  it  was  due  to  dehydration, I took an  excedrine pill to  help with the pain.   I had  a light  fruit  smoothie  from  orange julius for lunch and  loaded up  on  potato  carbs  for  dinner. I still  haven't  cut  down my  coconut oil  intake down for dinner,  but  when  I look  at  my  macros my  fat  intake  is  about  10% so that is  good. My  energie was  fine  all day until I got  home  from  work  so  I took a 30 min. nap and was  reenergized!

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