Sunday, June 21, 2015

Day 3

Hooray! I woke  up  3 lbs lighter today!  Tomorrow  I will  incorporate  some  strength  training to  get into shape.  No  more  headache today!  I ate  a bit more  carbs today  I hope they  don't  affect me Tommorrow. I had 2 bananas  for  breakfast and a whole honey dew melon for my lunch!  For  dinner  I had  2 cups of  pasta and  one  bizquit with  a tiny  bit of  gravy. My macros  are  still  around 80carbs, 10 protein and  10 fat.  I love this  lifestyle!

Day 2

Today  I woke  up feeling  great  and  light.  I decided that today  instead of cramming food  in,  I would just  eat when  I was hungry  and  stop  when  full. I started  my morning with  2 bananas  and  took a 10 minute break in between  each one.  I got a small headache  at noon.  I think  it  was  due  to  dehydration, I took an  excedrine pill to  help with the pain.   I had  a light  fruit  smoothie  from  orange julius for lunch and  loaded up  on  potato  carbs  for  dinner. I still  haven't  cut  down my  coconut oil  intake down for dinner,  but  when  I look  at  my  macros my  fat  intake  is  about  10% so that is  good. My  energie was  fine  all day until I got  home  from  work  so  I took a 30 min. nap and was  reenergized!

Official day 1 of raw til 4 diet

So  day  1 was  more  difficult than I expected -- eating  more than  one  banana  was  very  difficult and  I felt  like I couldn't eat  more because  I would  puke.  I was very  hungry  by  lunch  time  and  only  ate  one and  a half  apples because it was  difficult for me to  eat more than one.  Dinner  was  good.  I had  a tiny  piece  of  steak though because  Im not ready  to  completely  give  it  up. I also  ate plain  popcorn at night . Here is a mfp screenshot. I ate way less than  I planned  but  felt  very  full. I also was  freezing cold  at night even though  it  was  80 degrees  inside! 

Friday, June 19, 2015

The beginning of a new lifestyle

Hello world!

So  I’m in bed at two in the morning feeling fat and wondering how i can loose weight as quickly as possible.  I have tried everything from p90x to the five bite diet and feel defeated. My metabolism is pretty much non existent at this point and I am stuck in  a perpetual cycle of dieting, restricting, and binging.  I need something that will keep me healthy and at an optimal weight for my height.  I am  currently  30 years  old,  4’11”, and  weigh 129.8 lbs. I am considered obese for my  height. I remember a time when I was  actually  in shape with little to no exercise and  it was during a time that I actually ate more  fruits and vegetables.  I miss being healthy.  I have  decided to go on the  raw till  4 diet  where I will  eat unlimited fruits and leafy greens/veggies all  day for  breakfast and  lunch    and  only  a tiny  bit  of  fat and  starch  for dinner.  Since  I am not  vegan, I might also  incorporate some animal protein into my dinner . I will  also  blog my journey and  I will  pray that I don’t  get  fatter–some say they have actually  gained weight from this diet.  We will see what happens  to  me.  Stay tuned.